Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 8 - More Navajo Elder Interviews

All four student journalism teams were in the field today (Monday, June 13, 2011) interviewing elders for the 2011 Navajo Oral History project.

The teams left the Diné College dorms at 8 a.m. and didn't return until after dark.

(Above three photos of the Mitzie Begay interview by Tashina Johnson)

The Jack Jackson, Sr. interview team got a rare treat when they watched Jack, an award-winning rodeo man, and his grandsons, work with their horses and brand some cattle.

(Above 12 photos by Dave Dvorak)

The Keith Little interview team interviewed Keith outside his home in Crystal, New Mexico, and endured some high winds before interviewing his wife, Nellie, indoors.

A couple teams shot some B-roll at the Window Rock Tribal Park and Navajo Code Talker Monument there.

The Harold Morgan interview team traveled to Sawmill, Arizona, and spent an hour talking with Harold in his yard.

Tomorrow (Tuesday, June 14) is a classroom day during which we'll watch some video of each group's interviews and talk about how the project is going and about interviews and video material that still needs to be gathered.

We also have a couple software tutorials planned for the class to make sure the students are learning and developing skill and competence in the efficient use of software that helps them tell their stories effectively.

In the afternoon, a few of us will go to Keith and Nellie Little's house in Crystal, New Mexico -- he's the Navajo Code Talker we're interviewing -- and build a handicap accessible ramp between two parts of their home to make it easier for Keith to move around in his wheelchair.

We bought lumber and materials today so we can complete this service project that will make a positive difference in the Little family's quality of life.

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