Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Continues with Eric Johnson

Jessica Simpson's Inability to Play "Hard-to-Get" Continues with Eric Johnson

This is now the fourth blog post that I have done on Jessica Simpson's less than Platinum Girl-esque behavior. One reason why I continue writing about her is because of the illustrative example that she poses on how not to deal with men. Moreover, when a woman does not play Hard-to-Get with a man, she will come up short and left heartbroken. Albert Einstein said that "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." When Jessica repeatedly makes the same mistakes, it makes you wonder why she would keep approaching relationships in the same way.

In this case, US Weekly reported in their July 19th issue that Jessica has been dating ex-NFL player Eric Johnson for five weeks. Within this short span of time, Jessica has "let him stay at her house and is spoiling him with presents." Even other celebrity websites, like Celebridiot are saying that "Jessica seems a bit desperate with the leg wrap around [Eric's] waist" in a photo that was taken on a yacht while the two were together in Capri, Italy. Jessica needs to realize that Less Is Definitely More and should do some damage control to sustain Eric's interest.

So, what can Jessica do to establish her Platinum Girl status?

1. Jessica should immediately stop spending so much time with Eric and get busy! Spending too much time together too soon might start out hot, but always makes a relationship end with barely a fizzle. Platinum Girls only see a man a couple of times a week in the beginning which keeps him on his toes and guessing about whether there are other men in her life. She should not be so willing to let Eric know that he is the only man on her radar. Even a trip to Italy this soon is out of the question and should be saved for when they are either engaged or married.

2. Absolutely no more gifts! They have only been dating for five weeks and she is letting him know how much she likes him and how he is on her mind. Platinum Girls know that a man should still be working his tail off to get on her calendar at five weeks into a courtship. Because she is so busy, there is simply no time to go out and buy thoughtful gifts. In fact, Jessica bought her ex-boyfriend Tony Romo a boat (see post). How did that end? Well, not only did she not receive an engagement ring, but he also broke-up with her. On her 29th birthday, no less.

3. She should cool it with the enormous public displays of affection when she knows that the Prying Paparazzi are lurking. While it is not her fault that the media stalks her, she should not show Eric that she is so open to having her picture taken in the midst of something that is better kept private. Platinum Girls never make public announcements to the world that they are dating someone until the relationship has sustained itself for several months. Jessica is too willing to show-off with her new man. Again, this lets Eric know that he will not have to work as hard and potentially sets her up for being taken for granted.

If Jessica does not immediately start acting more like a Platinum Girl, she will painfully watch as Eric's interest wanes over the next few months until she ends up alone. Even if she suddenly started to understand that Less Is Definitely More, it might be too late. This is because she never presented herself as the Hard-to-Get Platinum Girl. Nevertheless, she should do what she can to make sure that Eric does not abruptly leave her.

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